
Perfect Peel

If you’re looking to brighten your skin, smooth out uneven skin texture, or finally achieve the youthful, glowing skin you’ve always wanted, the Perfect DermaPeel chemical peel is your new best friend. It can do all that and more, and with our team of expert providers, you and your skin could not be in better hands.

What is the Perfect DemalPeel?

The Perfect DermaPeel is a medical-grade chemical peel that consists of a powerful blend of ingredients, including trichloroacetic acid (TCA), salicylic acid, retinoic acid, phenol, vitamin C, kojic acid, and a peptide called glutathione. Glutathione is used as a skin brightener and can reduce inflammation in the skin. 

It’s a relatively quick and easy peel that only takes 15 minutes to apply. You’ll need to leave it on for six hours before washing it off at home.

Who Can Benefit From the Perfect DermaPeel?

The Perfect DermaPeel is safe for most skin types and comes with a number of different benefits you can take advantage of, including:

  • Brighter skin tone
  • Smoother complexion
  • Reduction in visibility of acne scars
  • Smoothes out uneven skin texture

That said, this treatment isn’t suitable for everyone. If you have sensitive skin, this may not be the right treatment for you. We’ll recommend another treatment to ensure you receive similar results. Additionally, if you have rosacea, eczema, or psoriasis, another treatment alternative is likely a better option.


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Recovery and Results

After your Perfect DermaPeel, you will likely have some mild redness, itching, and tightness, but those side effects typically only last a few days. After three days, you’ll notice the surface layer of your skin starting to flake and peel. This usually occurs for 3-4 days, and you’ll want to allow it to happen naturally. Don’t pick or peel it off, as it could cause scarring. In total, your recovery time is about a week.

During this time, you’ll also want to avoid excess sun exposure and sweating, so any strenuous activity should be avoided. All other activities that are part of your normal routine can be resumed right after your peel. 

For the best results, we recommend 2-4 peels scheduled four weeks apart. Once your peel treatment is complete, you can receive additional maintenance treatments every 3-6 months. To maintain your results and ensure your skin always looks its best, our team can build you a customized skincare regimen that is right for your skin and lifestyle.

As for results, you should notice some improvements in your skin in about a week, and that will continue as your skin heals.

Request an Appointment

Are you looking to brighten and rejuvenate your skin? Put your best face forward with the Perfect DermaPeel at MedSkinEssentials! To learn more, schedule a consultation today! Call our Tustin or Riverside, CA office or use our online contact form. We can’t wait to help you achieve a youthful glow!