
Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF)

PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) utilizes your body’s natural healing properties and growth factors to rejuvenate the skin. PRF is naturally found in the blood and when it is separated from the red blood cells, the platelets can stimulate collagen production and the regrowth of healthy tissues.

Collagen is an important protein in the skin that gives it elasticity and a firm texture. As we age, collagen production slows down and the skin starts to sag and wrinkle. PRF therapy combats this aging effect while improving the texture and tone of your skin.

Your PRF Treatment

PRF treatment requires a few different steps performed by our physician assistants and nurse injector. First, you will receive a blood draw from your arm. This blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the platelet-rich plasma. The newly harvested PRF is transferred to your face with injections or a microneedling device.

PRF facial treatments are minimally painful, but we can apply a topical numbing cream prior to your PRF microneedling or PRF injections. This procedure takes about 45 minutes to an hour.

Who Can Benefit from PRF?

If you want to restore volume loss and improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and acne scars, you may benefit from PRF! At your consultation, we will ask about your medical history since cardiovascular disease or medications such as blood thinners could affect your results. However, since PRF is obtained from your own blood, it is a safe facial rejuvenation procedure for most healthy adult men and women.


Results and Recovery

There is minimal downtime and recovery needed after PRF injections. Your skin may be mildly red and swollen around the injection site or area that received microneedling, but these effects will improve within a few days. The results of PRF treatment take a few weeks to develop as new collagen builds and your skin is resurfaced with new skin cells. For optimal results, we recommend three or more treatments scheduled a few weeks apart.

Schedule a Consultation

PRF is an innovative cosmetic treatment for skin rejuvenation that can restore your natural beauty and youthful appearance. Schedule your consultation for PRF cosmetic treatment at MedSkinEssentials by calling our office or filling out an online contact form.